Creating: FYI

To create a For Your Information (FYI) flag in Epic, you can do the following:
  1. Open the Appointment desk

  2. Click on Patient Options dropdown

  3. Click FYI

  4. Click New Flag

  5. Select the Flag Type

  6. Enter supporting documentation in the text field
  7. Click Accept 

    FYI will appear in on the appointment desk on the right corner

FYI flags are brief notes that document patient-specific information that is important to know but not clinically relevant. They can be seen by all types of users, including physicians, nurses, registrars, schedulers, and billers. When a patient FYI is created, it will appear in the patient's banner bar. 

Some examples of FYI flags include:
  • Identity Theft FYI Flag: Requested by patients who have been victims of identity theft or feel at risk of being a victim
  • Patient Admitted Under Wrong MRN FYI Flag: Alerts users when a patient is admitted under an incorrect MRN 
  • Please only collect copayment only.

Last update on 09/9/2024 DP

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